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Beechbrook Capital celebrates 100th investment in the European lower mid-market

21 May 2024

Beechbrook Capital is celebrating completing its 100th investment into the European lower mid market. Founded in 2008, the firm is currently investing its 8th fund supporting the growth of European SMEs.

Beechbrook launched its first European fund in 2010 providing loans and equity co-investments to support private equity buyouts. The firm is currently raising Fund IV with a similar strategy focused on providing senior secured loans to sponsored transactions.

In 2015, Beechbrook launched its first sponsorless fund focused on providing senior loans and equity co-investments to UK SMEs. The firm will soon be launching its fourth fund in this strategy to support owners and managers achieve their growth plans.

Beechbrook continues to focus on the European lower mid-market investing in businesses with Enterprise Values up to €150m and EBITDAs up to €15m. The team works closely with its investee companies to add value and support high quality management teams to achieve their growth ambitions.

Since inception, the firm has evolved with the support of its global institutional investor base. Beechbrook has raised over €1bn of investor commitments and has built an origination platform driven by its local presence and offices in six European cities. It has developed an expertise in both the sponsored and sponsorless markets and has a reputation as one of the leading private debt managers in its space.

Beechbrook has refined its investment processes over the last 100 investments but has maintained its rigorous credit standards and transaction structuring throughout. This discipline has been essential over the past 16 years, during which time the firm and its portfolio companies have successfully navigated a number of ‘black swan’ events, including the global financial crisis, Brexit, a pandemic, and increased geopolitical tensions.

The European lower mid-market remains underserved by banks and other private debt managers which has created a significant opportunity for Beechbrook. The favourable market dynamics allow Beechbrook to be highly selective and secure strong creditor protections, whilst offering investors diversification, yield and attractive risk adjusted returns.

Paul Shea, managing partner, commented: “With the support of a leading investor base, the Beechbrook team has been able to back many wonderful companies, with high quality management teams. The lower mid-market is the backbone of the European economy and a constant source of creativity and innovation. We continue to seek opportunities to support growth, new ideas and jobs in the next 100 investments and deliver consistent and compelling returns to our investors.”

Beechbrook Capital